Scott Valley Farm School’s innovative, hands-on approach to education cultivates creative thinking, promotes academic excellence, instills respect for diversity, and teaches responsibility for self, for others, and for the natural world.

At Farm School, children, teachers, and families all contribute to a micro community that fosters a sense of place and belonging. Here, education is a cooperative enterprise in which the whole community works together to benefit the education process. Guided by the belief that all children are natural learners, we nurture our students’ curiosity, creativity, an appreciation for diversity, and, located on 3 acre farm, a sense of stewardship for the environment.

Our philosophy is rooted in the foundation of progressive education, which honors the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of children, allowing growth to unfold at each child’s own pace. Through work, exploration, and play, we seek to educate the whole child, not just the intellect. We know from experience and cognitive science that children learn best not only by doing, but also by thinking about what they are doing. Our approach is to stimulate students' questions and to set the stage for learning with materials, situations, and ideas from which the students can construct their own understanding.

The answer is not to standardize education, but to personalize and customize it to the needs of each child and community. There is no alternative. There never was.
— Sir Ken Robinson, creative education professional

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