Farm School started in 2018 on a few acres at California Heritage Farms.

A group of families came together and formed a home school cooperative where the children came together a couple of days a week to explore, create, and play. As this small community of children evolved, the positive impacts and benefits of “farm school” became obvious and the opportunity to formalize the program to make it available to the community became a top priority.

Thank you to all of our early contributors and founding families: Scott Valley Unified School District, Megan Peterson, Anna Miles Smith, Carrie Campbell and all of our amazing volunteers. We are so grateful for their donated time, money and resources to help make this dream a reality for our kids! Without all of their unique contributions, we would not be where we are today.

Our Mission

Scott Valley Farm School’s mission is to provide each child with an environment that inspires creativity, curiosity, and innovative leadership. Our hands-on approach to education aspires to cultivate a sense of community, promote academic excellence, instill respect for diversity, and teach responsibility for self, for others, and for the natural world.

Children learn when they’re free to explore their passions at their own pace. The Farm School environment is the perfect space for kids to thrive - emotionally, academically, and physically. Their souls are being nurtured and nothing prepares them better for learning than that.
— Anna Miles- Smith, Lead Farm School Teacher, M.Ed

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